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  • Jeffrey Gower

The Legend of Sofia Goggia Grows

Today was a rare moment when you realized in the moment that you were seeing something that would be talked about for years to come. She was very glad the races started from the top today, where it is very steep. With the pole taped to her left hand she'd have been at a major disadvantage had pushing off in the start been necessary. But she seems to live for these moments. Goggia's run after having just helicopter to and from Milan to have her hand surgically repaired was nothing short of amazing. Today's ski was took bravery and guts, something that Goggia seems to specialize in. Only the brave as she enjoys telling us. Only the brave indeed!

Goggia has now won 11 of the last 19 World Cup downhill races dating back to the '20-'21 season. Most of the races she hasn't won during this period were due to injury. Today she showed that she can be very competitive and win even when injured. Today's victory was her fifteenth downhill win, only Dominik Paris has more among Italian skiers (17).


  • Today was Ilka Stuhec's first podium since 2019. It's been a long road back from all the injuries, but she looks to be back in form this season (she was already 5th at both Lake Louise DHs earlier this season).

  • Shiffrin is such an unbelievable skier. How is she so comfortable in the tuck? How does she look so fluid and natural in DH with such limited training?

  • Days like today are the reason it's going to be very difficult for anyone to challenge Shiffrin for the overall. She's now 11th in the DH standings with 90 points after skipping Lake Louise entirely.

  • Italian team thoughts: Why is Marta Bassino skiing DH? The results for Brignone this season are a bit worrying (35th today). The Italians have now won 4 of 5 speed events at St. Moritz dating back to 2019.

  • Full length course, skiing a little rowdy. Not a cloud in the sky. This is the St. Moritz we love to see!

  • Emma Aicher people! After missing the points in the first race at Lake Louise, she's been in the points in four consecutive races. Not bad for a 19 year old. BTW, no German woman has won on the World Cup since Rebensberg.

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